Forward Together
Communities at the Crossroads
A Virtual Conference at the Intersection of Planning & Economic Development Presented by APA Ohio & OEDA
November 17 - 19, 2020
CLICK HERE to view the Tentative Agenda!
Recognizing the importance of collaboration among the two professions, the Ohio Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA Ohio) and the Ohio Economic Development Association (OEDA) are convening practitioners and policymakers in a virtual convening November 17 - 19, 2020 to consider areas where the two disciplines can be brought together for greater impact on the health of Ohio’s communities.
Through presentations on 1) The Post COVID World; 2) Equity, Inclusion and Diversity; 3) Collaboration; 4) Tools of the Trade and 5) Leadership Dialogue, the goals of the Convening are to:
Background: The work of economic developers and planners has never been more important than in these days of the dialogue over equity and diversity and changes in local economies and social conditions from COVID 19. National and global economic trends are impacting both professions in a way that should strongly encourage greater collaboration. The fields of planning and economic development are inextricably linked, as they both focus on the health of communities and the people who live there. Through place-based strategies, urban planning and design, transportation planning, regional development, business attraction and retention, workforce and talent development, and community development, planners and economic developers appear to be working towards the same goals. Despite this overlap, the two professions have struggled to align, providing for an opportunity to bring the professions together and achieve greater collaboration.
Conference Sponsorship:A wide range of partners are working together to ensure conference success. In addition to OhioAPA and OEDA, partners include:
Agenda: Over three days, practitioners and policy makers in both professions will dialogue on issues of urgency, including:
Who Should Attend: The Convening will bring together:
Registration is free for students. Attendees can earn AICP and OhioCED credit.