OEDI Elective Workshop: Understanding Fiscal Impact Analysis

  • 12 Sep 2019
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Ohio University Dublin Integrated Education Center, 6805 Bobcat Way, Dublin, OH 43016, (614) 793-5634
  • 9


  • County Commissioners Association of Ohio Members Only

Registration is closed

 Thursday, September 12, 2019

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Understanding Fiscal Impact Analysis

Click Here to view the Agenda

Does your community understand the benefits and costs of growth, economic development projects, and incentives? What is the true cost of development decisions?

Fiscal Impact Analysis can be a valuable tool to understand the costs and benefits of development. But FIA can be a complex process that is difficult for policy makers and citizens to comprehend.  Then join us on September 12 in Columbus for a one-day course on Fiscal Impact Analysis, sponsored by the Ohio Economic Development Institute. You’ll hear from policy makers and practitioners who have used FIA as a decision-making tool. And you’ll get a basic understanding of the analysis that takes place behind FIA

This course will provide 1) a basic understanding of how Fiscal Impact Analysis is conducted, 2) how Fiscal Impact Analysis is used to understand the costs of development, land use and economic development projects and 3) real world case studies that show how FIA is actually used.

This intensive session will be useful for:

  • Elected officials and policy makers
  • Economic Development Professionals
  • Planners and Development Professionals
  • Community treasurers, finance directors and fiscal analysts


The Fiscal Impact Course will take place at the Ohio University Dublin Integrated Education Center in Dublin, Ohio. The course is eligible for 6 credits for the OhioCED certification. Registration is $99.00 for members of the Ohio Economic Development Association and County Commissioners Association of Ohio and $129.00 for non-members. Space in the Fiscal Impact Analysis course will be limited so early registration is encouraged to preserve your spot!

Space is limited. Registration will close on August 30