Ohio Economic Development Association
Mid-Year Briefing
Presented by the Ohio Economic Development Association, JobsOhio and its Regional Network Partners, Ohio Development Services Agency, and Mid-Ohio Development Exchange (MODE)
Location: Marriott Columbus Northwest, 5605 Blazer Pkwy, Dublin, OH 43017 Who Should Attend: All Economic Development Professionals and Elected Officials interested in current JobsOhio and ODSA programs, and economic development legislative affairs. This event is open to OEDA members and non-members.
Ohio Development Services Agency
Legislative Update from Bricker & Eckler, LLP
Topics to be reviewed include:
(You may register via credit card, check, or P.O., as well as print invoices, via our online system.)
Join us at the Ballpark!
After the Mid-Year Briefing, MODE will be hosting a summer social at the Columbus Clippers game Thursday evening! Family and friends across the state are welcome to join the Columbus Clippers as they take on the Indianapolis Indians at 7:05 PM. The cost of the event for members and non-members is $10 and includes your game ticket and dinner on the Wendy's Hamburger Balcony! RSVP to Stephanie at sb@columbusregion.com or 614-225-6935. RSVP is required for the discounted rate and complimentary dinner. Thank you to our sponsor, Ruscilli Construction, for donating to this great evening!