ODOD Brownfield Remediation Program Webinar

  • 11 Dec 2023
  • 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Online


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Join us for a practitioner’s webinar on the Ohio Department of Development’s new Brownfield Remediation Program on December 11, 2023, from 11:00 am to 12:30pm.


This free Webinar with the Ohio Department of Development and stakeholders / practitioners from around Ohio will afford the opportunity to dialogue how this important program can be most effectively utilized. 

Representatives of the Ohio Department of Development will participate, along with the Ohio Economic Development Association, the Ohio Land Bank Association, the County Commissioners of Ohio Asspcoatopm, and Greater Ohio Policy Center, who are partnering to sponsor this webinar.


On November 15,  the Ohio Department of Development released guidelines for the new round of funding under the Ohio Brownfield Remediation Program. The program includes Ohio’s Land Banks and Counties as key leaders in the critical task of cleaning up brownfield sites in Ohio.

The program will award grants grants for the remediation of brownfield sites throughout Ohio, to assist in the remediation of hazardous substances or petroleum at industrial, commercial, or institutional properties. The program will award a total of $350 million in grants in the 2023 biennium.