OEDA 360: State Economic Development Briefing

  • 10 May 2017
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Embassy Suites Columbus-Dublin, 5100 Upper Metro Place, Dublin, Ohio, 43017


OEDA 360:  State Economic Development Briefing
(Please note: This exciting new event replaces the Annual Mid-Year Briefing)


May 10, 2017
Embassy Suites Columbus-Dublin

5100 Upper Metro Place,

Dublin, Ohio  43017


OEDA is excited to announce OEDA 360: State Economic Development Briefing.  We’ve taken the Mid-Year Briefing and made it even better!  The new name reflects the changes we’ve made to bring you a robust, comprehensive overview of the state programs, services and tools impacting the work you do every day.  We’ve expanded the program, included more state agencies, and included additional  networking opportunities.  This is truly a can’t miss event for every economic and community development professional in Ohio!

  • STAY CURRENT: OEDA 360’s state economic development briefing offers a robust program and can’t miss opportunity to get the latest information and updates from state agencies and state-level organizations.   

  • DYNAMIC PROGRAM: Attendees will hear from JobsOhio, the Ohio Development Services Agency, the Ohio Office of Workforce Transformation (new this year), the Ohio Department of Transportation (new this year), and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (new this year).

  • DIRECT ACCESS: Don’t miss this unique opportunity to interface with agency leadership and program managers and ask questions about critical state economic development programs and issues.

  • STATEHOUSE SCOOP: OEDA 360 still includes the always popular comprehensive legislative update which covers all of the legislation and issues impacting local economic development as well as how the political landscape may impact economic development policy.

  • CONNECT WITH PEERS:  Many outstanding opportunities to network with professionals from across the state, make connections with peers, and identify resources to help you do your job effectively and efficiently.

  • CREDIT HOURS: OEDA 360 provides 5 hours of continuing professional education credit for those seeking the Ohio Certified Economic Developer credential.

Schedule of Events

9:00-10:00 am                   Refreshments/Networking

10:00-10:15 am                 Welcome

10:15-11:00 am                 ODSA Update

11:00-11:15 am                 ODOT Update

11:15-11:30 am                 Networking Break

11:30-12:15 pm                 Workforce/Talent Development Panel

12:15-1:00 pm                   Lunch and Legislative Update

1:00-1:15 pm                     Networking Break

1:15-2:00 pm                     JobsOhio Update

2:00-2:15 pm                     Networking Break

2:15-3:00 pm                     Site Selection & Development Panel


 Registration Fees (includes lunch):
OEDA Member $69 per person
Non-Member $99 per person


Online Registration is available through May 4th at http://www.ohioeda.com/event-2489194/Registration

 You may also visit the OEDA website at www.ohioeda.com to register.