October 18-20
Renaissance Columbus Downtown
Online Registration is now closed!
Registration after October 9th will be on-site only (on-site registration will open Wednesday, October 18th beginning at 9:00 a.m. and will be located in the Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom Foyer, on the 2nd Floor of the Renaissance Columbus Downtown).
To save time onsite please print and fill out the onsite registration form
ahead of time and bring it with you.
Thank you!
Click HERE for the 2017 OEDA Annual Summit
Speaker Bios and Presentations
Click HERE for a printable version of the program agenda
or HERE to view the agenda in your browser.
The Renaissance Columbus Downtown is the host site of the 2017 Ohio Economic Development Association Annual Summit. The Renaissance is located at 50 N. 3rd Street, Columbus, OH 43215.
You may book your hotel room now for the 2017 Annual Summit! A limited number of rooms have been blocked for the nights of October 17, 18, and 19 at the discounted rate of $179 per night for a standard king room. As of September 18th, the reservation block at the Renaissance is nearly sold out. You may make your reservation online directly HERE. Or you may make your reservation by calling 877-901-6632. Be sure to mention that you are booking your room in conjunction with the OEDA Annual Summit.
If you are unable to secure a room at the Renaissance, the Residence Inn Columbus Downtown is recommended and is just a block from the Renaissance. For the Residence Inn website, click here. An additional option is the Sheraton Columbus Capitol Square, which is three blocks from the Renaissance. Visit http://www.sheratoncolumbuscapitolsquare.com/ for the Sheraton website.
Please note that OEDA does not have established room blocks at the Residence Inn or Sheraton, but regular published rates at these two hotels as of September 18th are comparable to the OEDA block rate at the Renaissance.
Parking: Discounted valet parking ($17 per day) is included with your reservation in the OEDA hotel room block. For additional parking options in downtown Columbus, please visit http://www.bestparking.com/columbus-parking/.
Thank you to our 2017 Annual Summit Awards
Luncheon Sponsor
Thank you to our 2017 Annual Summit Reception Sponsor!
Thank you to our 2017 Annual Summit Partners!